How to Complete the Facility Risk SAQ

All Facilities created in RBA-Online have access to the Facility Risk SAQ, similar tothe standard Facility SAQ.

TheFacility RiskSAQisaccessedviaaseparatedropdownfromthestandardSAQ.[Memberswillalsohavea“My Suppliers Facility RiskSAQ”selection]


Select the Options menu that will either be on the far right of the page or accessible by clicking the green + symbol nexttotheFacility name.



You will land on the Score Card page. This will be blank until you answer the Risk Questions, accessed via the “Risk Question” selection at the top.


Toreceiveascoreallquestionsin each section must becompleted.IncompletequestionswillbehighlightedinYellow.

Youcansavewiththesavebuttonatthebottomofthepage.Savingevery 5-10 minutes is best practice.


As you are completing the SAQ you may notice some questions get answered automatically based on selections in other categories.

When the SAQ is 100% complete you will need to Release the SAQ to receive a Score and share it with your customers.The“Release” button is at the bottom of the page next to the “Save” button”.


Once you have a score you will see a new selection appear at the top of the page: “Control Question”.

The ControlQuestionsareadditionaloptional questions thatansweringwillhelpclarifysomeof your previous answers and will never hurt your score. Answerstothequestionswilleitherhavenoeffectorimproveyour score. Most questions will require you to submit supporting documentation if you answer in the affirmative.

OnceallControl Questions are answered you will see an option to “Request Verification” at the bottom of the page. Requesting verification is how the additional information you’ve provided is verified and added to your score where applicable.