What is RBA Voices?

Available for use and deployment by RBA Members and their suppliers, RBA Voices is a multifunctional worker engagement platform which aims to support workers at the factory. The main features of RBA Voices are the worker feedback mechanism, survey tool and mobile worker learning app. 

More detailed information on the platform's functionality can be found here, including the RBA Voices Feedback/Grievance Mechanism protocol here.

For detailed information on how to deploy a RBA survey or create a custom survey, click here

For more information on how to deploy the RBA Voices Feedback Tool/App to your facilities/suppliers in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Thai click here.

Please note that the worker learning content (courses, learning maps) can only be accessed by workers through the Full App deployment at this time. For other deployment options, please contact voicessupport@responsiblebusiness.org.