How to Add Suppliers to the Risk Assessment Platform

Pre-requisite: Before starting, please read the overview of the Risk Assessment Platform to familiarize yourself with its features and benefits. Note that this tool is only available to RBA & RMI Members.

Adding suppliers to the Risk Assessment Platform involves a few simple steps:

1. Log in:  Access the platform at using your credentials, contact the RBA Help Desk (  is you require assistance with you access. 

2. Select Supplier Upload:  Once logged in, navigate to the supplier upload section or select the File Management section on the left navigation column.

Manage supplier data

Supplier Upload


3. Download the Template:  In the supplier upload section, download the template which includes fields for Supplier Name, Internal Tracking Number, Supplier Address, Country/Region, Province, Materiality, Spend, Product or Service, and Supply Chain.

4. Fill out the Template:  Open the downloaded template and enter all necessary information accurately for each supplier you wish to add to the Risk Assessment Platform. Ensure that the information is up to date and complete.

When bulk uploading suppliers to the risk assessment platform, it's essential to ensure all fields in the template are accurately filled out. Below is a detailed explanation of each column you need to complete in the template:

Supplier Name:
This column should include the full name of the supplier. Ensure the name matches the legal entity or trading name as recognized in contracts or business dealings.

Internal Tracking Number:
This is an optional field where you can input a unique internal identifier for the supplier. This could be a vendor number or any tracking number used internally for ease of reference within your organization.

Supplier Address:
Provide the full physical address of the supplier, including street name, building number, and postal code. This is essential for accurate record-keeping and location identification.

Country / Region:
Select or input the country or region where the supplier is based. This field is crucial for determining jurisdictional risks and regulatory considerations, as risk factors can vary significantly between regions.

If applicable, enter the province, state, or administrative region within the country where the supplier operates. This helps in narrowing down the supplier's specific location for risk assessment purposes.

This column captures the type of relationship or sourcing arrangement you have with the supplier. The available options are:

  • Direct / Sole Sourced: The supplier is the only source for a specific product or service, making them critical to your operations.
  • Direct / Multi-Sourced: The supplier provides a product or service that is also available from multiple other suppliers, reducing dependency on one source.
  • Direct / Commodities: The supplier provides raw materials or basic goods that are traded widely, such as metals or energy resources.
  • Indirect / Offsite: The supplier provides services or products that are not directly tied to your core operations and are provided from an external location.
  • Indirect / Both: The supplier offers both on-site and off-site services, providing a mix of support across locations.
  • Indirect / Onsite: The supplier delivers goods or services at your operational location, supporting daily activities and internal operations.

This field is used to categorize the financial investment your organization has with a supplier. It helps in assessing the level of reliance and financial impact each supplier has on your business. The categorization can be divided into the following categories:

  • Low: The amount spent with this supplier makes up a small percentage of your total supplier expenditures. This usually involves smaller contracts or suppliers that provide non-critical goods or services. This means that there is minimal financial risk to the organization if the supplier relationship changes.

Example: Less than $5 Million

  • Medium: The supplier contributes a moderate portion to your overall spending. Although not a significant share of your budget, this supplier plays a more important role in your operations, possibly providing specialized goods or services. A change in this relationship may have some operational impact, but it is unlikely to be disruptive.

Example: Approximately $5 - $10 Million

  • High: The amount spent with this supplier makes up a significant portion of your total expenditures. These are crucial supplier relationships, with large contracts in place, where the goods or services provided are essential to your operations. Any disruption in this relationship would likely have a substantial financial or operational impact.

Example: Over $10 Million

Product or Service:

  • Choose the type of product or service the supplier provides from a predefined dropdown list. Examples may include:
    • Raw Materials: Suppliers providing unprocessed or minimally processed materials.
    • Manufacturing: Suppliers involved in producing or assembling goods.
    • Consulting Services: Providers of professional advice and services.
    • Logistics: Suppliers involved in transportation, warehousing, or distribution.
    • IT Services: Technology service providers, including software and hardware suppliers.
    • Facilities Management: Providers of on-site maintenance, cleaning, or other operational services.
  • It is important to select the most appropriate option that accurately reflects the supplier’s role in your supply chain.

Supply Chain:

  • In this column, you will indicate the supplier’s position within your overall supply chain. This can range from Tier 1 (direct suppliers) to lower-tier suppliers who provide goods or services indirectly through other companies. The position of a supplier within your supply chain determines the level of visibility and potential risk exposure, with lower-tier suppliers often being harder to monitor directly.

5. Upload the Template: After filling out the template, return to the platform and upload your completed template.

6. Submit the Template:  Once the template is uploaded, finalize the process by submitting the template. This will prompt the system to process and add the supplier data to the Risk Assessment Platform.

Following these steps ensures that your supplier data is accurately added to the Risk Assessment Platform, assisting in the effective management and mitigation of supply chain risks.

If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, please reach out to our support team for help at