How to Submit The AFA

How to submit the Audit Findings Acknowledgement (AFA) document.

Once the onsite visit is completed, the Auditor is required to upload the Audit Findings Acknowledgement Documentation that was signed during the closing meeting. 

When the Auditor logs on to RBA Online, they will see a notification that they have a pending task to submit the AFA.

Click on the Audit ID in the To Do which will bring you directly to the AFA screen where you can upload your completed document(s). You may use your own document or have the system generate a template for you (Microsoft Word format). 

To use the system generated template, click [Export AFA]:

The system generated AFA will populate with findings that have been entered on the Report tab. If you have not filled out any information on the report tab, the template generated will be blank.

Example AFA document

Upload the signed copies of the AFA using the file uploader. Upon successsful upload, the document will appear as a link on the screen with a timestamp of the upload date/time.