How to Submit An Initial Final Audit Draft

Learn how to submit the initial draft of the Validated Audit Report.

Table of Contents


Before Submitting the Initial Draft, please ensure the AFA has been submitted for the audit!


Once you have completed the Initial Draft, completing all sections to 100%, the [Submit Initial Draft] button will become visible. 

To be considered 100% complete, you must:

  • Answer every question
  • Provide Auditor Conclusion for all questions (except N/A)
  • Provide at least 3 Data Points per question

There are two ways that you can enter the data in the Report tab.

  1. Complete the Report through the RBA-Online user interface.
  2. Complete the data within an Excel template and upload to the system.
    • Click on the [Download to Excel] button to download a template specific to the audit that you are working on.
    • Once completed, save the file to your computer and click on the [Upload from Excel] button to upload the Report data to the system. Click [+ Upload a file] in the File Uploader provided and attach the completed template.

Once you have completed the Initial Draft of the Audit and all sections are 100% complete, simply click the [Submit Initial Draft] button and the Initial Draft will be sent to the AQM team for Quality Review.