What is an AMA

The Auditee-Managed Audit refers to a specific type of audit management approach where the auditee, typically a supplier or facility being audited, takes an active role in managing the audit process.

Under the AMA model, the auditee is responsible for coordinating and facilitating the audit, including: 

  • Scheduling the audit
  • Providing access to facilities and records
  • Ensuring that relevant personnel are available for interviews and documentation review. 

The auditee may also be involved in selecting the audit team and overseeing the audit process to ensure that it is conducted fairly and efficiently.

The AMA approach is designed to promote greater transparency, engagement, and ownership of the audit process by the auditee, while still ensuring that the audit is conducted objectively and following established standards and criteria

It allows the auditee to actively participate in the audit process and address any findings or corrective actions identified during the audit, leading to more effective outcomes and continuous improvement in responsible business practices.