Creating and Managing RMI Partnerships

RMI Company Administrators have the ability to add and manage RMI Partnerships within the RBA-Online platform. 

This guidance article assumes the Partnership is being initiated by an RMI Member in order to gain visibility into their supply chain.

Initiating Partnerships

1. To Initiate a partnership, select the RMI Network tab, then select Partnership.

View if you do not have any existing Partnerships:

View if you do have existing Partnerships:

2. Click on the [+ Initiate RMI Partnership] button to begin

3. Select your Target Company from the drop down list. You may search for the Target Company by name or Company ID (G-CO-xxxxxxxx). The Relationship Start Date defaults to today's date, but can be modified. Enter any Reference information you would like to include in the Partnership record, but this is not required. Click [Submit] to send the Partnership Request to the Target Company.

Note: If you are a supplier to an RMI Member, you also have the ability to select the site(s) and related data you would like to grant your Customer visibility of at this step.

Responding to Partnership Requests

When the RMI Company Administrator for the Target Company selected logs in, they will have a ToDo for the pending RMI Partnership request. The recipient of the Partnership request will also receive an email notification alerting them that the request has been initiated.

1. Click the name of the Requesting Company in the ToDo to be taken directly to the request.

2. Select the site(s) you wish to grant visibility to

3. Site Info and RRA are selected by default, as are both the RMAP and DAP Summary Report and Recognition Certificate options. Click in the applicable field to select additional data/reports to share, including Determination Letter, Full Audit Report Workbook, and Corrective Action Plan.

4. Once you have added visibility of your site(s), data and report(s), click [Accept]

Managing Partnerships

The Partnerships list view shows details of each record and provides the following options: View, Accept, Reject, Delete, Discussion, and Change Tracking.

View opens a read only record of the Partnership:

Accept (if applicable) will accept the request as-is and the status will be "Accepted".

Reject (if applicable) will reject the request and the status will be "Rejected". 

  • Reject will require the user to enter a Reason that they are rejecting the Partnership Request

* The Requestor will receive an email notification that the request was either accepted or Rejected.

Once a Relationship has been accepted the user will also have the option at any time to Edit or Revoke the Relationship.

Delete will delete the Partnership record and remove it from visibility.

Discussion shows the message history between the Partners

  • Click on [+ New Comment] to submit a secure message to your Partner

Change Tracking enables users visibility into what actions have been taken on the Partnership record, by whom, and when.