How to Initiate An Audit For Your Supplier

Initiate an Audit for your Supplier

To initiate an Audit request against your Supplier facility within the RBA Online system you will go to the “Audit > Supplier Audits” page under the Audit Tab

You will be brought to the following screen which will hold a list of all previous Supplier audits that you have completed.
From here select the “Initiate Audit” button

This will open a window for you to enter the information that relates to the audit you would like to initiate. 

Select the Supplier you would like to initiate an audit on. Then select the Facility you would like to have the audit initiated against

Then Select the Audit type that you are initiating

Initial Audit Biannual Audit, valid for two years from end date 
Closure Audit Audit to Close out any Additional Findings
Priority Closure Audit Audit to close out any Priority Findings

You will be required to enter the following information

Requesting Company:  The customer who requested that you complete this audit. If this is
blank you must provide a reason in the text box

Attachment B Companies: Customers who will have access to this audit based on trading relationships. Attachment B Companies POC, additional email or contacts at the Attachment B companies that you would like notifications to be sent to CAP Manager who will manage any Corrective Actions after the audit is completed.

Preferred Audit Date: This is a date range on when you would prefer the audit to take place 

Payer: Entity that is responsible for the payment of the audit
Auditee POC: Point of Contact for the facility being audited
Auditee CC: Additional contacts for the facility being audited
SA Recipient: Person who will be responsible for the singing of the Scoping Agreement

You will also be required to enter the following information ( con’t )
Billing POC: Point of Contact for all Billing and Invoicing
Findings Ready for Closure Audit Check: the findings that are ready to be reviewed during this audit 
Comment Optional: provides the ability to leave a comment about this audit request