How to Create and Manage Trading Relationships

  • Every registered company in RBA-Online has complete control over their own data. The data is only visible to other companies that you have explicitly given permission to view it
  • There are 3 levels of data protection that each company can setup for their own data: 1) Company Level 2) Individual Facility level 3) Audit-by-audit level permission
  • As a Company Administrator you have the ability tomanage your supply chain and add and manage your trading relationships.
  • To Add a trading relationshipselect the Supply Chain tab, then select Trading Relationship.


View if you do not have any existing Trading Relationships

View if you do have existing Trading Relationships


Select the Initiate Trading Relationship button to begin

Select your Target Company from the drop-down list

Select the Relationship you would like to establish with this company

  • Customer
  • Supplier
  • If you select Customer, you will need to set visibility settings
  • Visibility settings determine the level of information you would like to share with your customers


  • If you select Customer, you will need to set visibility settings for your facilities
  • Visibility settings determine the level of information you would like to share with your customers


If you select Supplier, you will have the ability to select the Tier level of this supplier


  • Please note the Relationship start date will default to todays date, this can be modified
  • Enter any Reference information that you would like to have for this relationship
  • Select Submit

You will now see that this trading relationship has been initiated


  • The recipient of the Trading Relationship request will receive an email notification alerting them that the request has been initiated
  • The recipient will then log on to the system to validate this request
  • Upon logging into the system the recipient will receive a notice in their To-Do’s that there is a pending Trading Relationship Request


Upon Navigating to their Trading Relationship screen which is found under the Supply Chain tab they will see the details of this request


The recipient can do one of the following actions for this request

  • View
  • Edit
  • Accept
  • Reject
  • Delete



View will open a read only record of the Trading Relationship Request


Edit will open an editable record for some information of the Trading Relationship Request


  • Accept will accept the request and the status is no longer Initiated
  • The Requestor will receive an email notification that the request was accepted


Once a Relationship has been accepted the user will also have the option at any time to Revoke the relationship



  • Reject will require the user to enter a Reason that they are rejecting the Trading Relationship Request
  • The requestor will receive an email notification that the request was rejected


Delete will delete the request from the Trading Relationship view