New Auditor Onboarding

Information for new auditors to onboard to RBA-Online quickly to begin completing VAP audits.

Table of Contents

1. Obtain RBA-Online Access

New Auditor Accounts

If you require a new auditor account, please have your Audit Firm admin reach out to The RBA Auditor Support team will review the request and determine if qualifications have been met. If so, they will create your new account.

Once the RBA Auditor Support team creates your account, you will receive the following email notification from which instructs you to follow the link and setup your RBA-Online password:

Once you click on the link, you will be directed to the site where you will set your password. You must also accept the Terms and Conditions. Next, click [Save]:

You will then be redirected to the login screen. Enter your email (this is your username), and the password chosen, then click [Login].


2. View Your Assigned Audits

Viewing and Updating Assigned Audits

To view audits which you have been assigned, click on Audit > My Audits. To update an audit record, click on Options > Audit Data.

The Report tab is where you will complete the Audit Report within the system. You may complete each section via the RBA-Online interface, or you may choose [Download to Excel] to complete an offline template, then click [Upload from Excel] to populate the required Report fields.

NOTE: You will NOT have the ability to Submit your Draft Report until the Report fields are completed to 100%.


3. Notifications and To-Do's

Each step of the way, you will be notified via email and within the To-Do notifications on your RBA-Online dashboard when you have an action pending on an audit. Here are some example To-Do notifications you are likely to encounter:


4. Submit AFA

How to Submit The AFA

Once the onsite visit is completed, the Auditor is required to upload the Audit Findings Acknowledgement Documentation that was signed during the closing meeting. 

When the Auditor logs on to RBA Online, they will see a notification that they have a pending task to submit the AFA.

Click on the Audit ID in the To Do which will bring you directly to the AFA screen where you can upload your completed document(s). You may use your own document or have the system generate a template for you (Microsoft Word format). 

To use the system generated template, click [Export AFA]:

The system generated AFA will populate with findings that have been entered on the Report tab. If you have not filled out any information on the report tab, the template generated will be blank.

Example AFA document

Upload the signed copies of the AFA using the file uploader. Upon successsful upload, the document will appear as a link on the screen with a timestamp of the upload date/time.


5. Submit Priority Findings

How to Submit Priority Findings

During the site visit, the Auditor is required to report any Priority Findings uncovered. To do so, navigate to the Report tab, enter the Priority Findings in the report tab then click [Submit Priority Findings].

You may enter all priority findings at once or you may enter and submit each as you uncover them during the audit.


6. Submit Initial Draft

How to Submit An Initial Final Audit Draft


Before Submitting the Initial Draft, please ensure the AFA has been submitted for the audit!


Once you have completed the Initial Draft, completing all sections to 100%, the [Submit Initial Draft] button will become visible. 

To be considered 100% complete, you must:

  • Answer every question
  • Provide Auditor Conclusion for all questions (except N/A)
  • Provide at least 3 Data Points per question

There are two ways that you can enter the data in the Report tab.

  1. Complete the Report through the RBA-Online user interface.
  2. Complete the data within an Excel template and upload to the system.
    • Click on the [Download to Excel] button to download a template specific to the audit that you are working on.
    • Once completed, save the file to your computer and click on the [Upload from Excel] button to upload the Report data to the system. Click [+ Upload a file] in the File Uploader provided and attach the completed template.

Once you have completed the Initial Draft of the Audit and all sections are 100% complete, simply click the [Submit Initial Draft] button and the Initial Draft will be sent to the AQM team for Quality Review.






7. Audit Discussion Tab

Audit Discussion Tab

The Audit Discussion tab in RBA Online is a secure communication channel between the auditee, audit firm, and RBA on the particular audit. 

Here are the steps to access the discussion tab:

1. Log into RBA Online using your credentials.
2. On the left navigation menu, find and click on "Audits," and then select "My Audits."

3. Locate the audit that you would like to update and click on "Options" to select "Audit Data."

4. On the next page, click on the 9th tab called "Discussions."

Once you access the Audit Discussion tab, you can communicate with the auditee, audit firm, and RBA regarding the specific audit. This feature allows for secure communication and real-time updates to ensure the audit's success.

Click the [+ New Comment] button to submit a comment. 

Feedback types available in the dropdown will vary, depending on your role (auditee or auditor).

The following are the most common Feedback Type options used by auditees:

  • General - used for general communication with the RBA relating to the audit
  • Auditee Feedback - used specifically for auditee to provide feedback after receipt of draft report

The following are the most common Feedback Type options used by auditors:

  • Priority Findings Comments - used when priority findings are discovered while on-site
  • AFA Feedback - used to provide feedback on AFA
  • Sanitation Feedback Incorporated - used when audit firm incorporates AQM sanitation feedback into final audit report
  • QC Response by Auditor - used for correspondence related to QC process
  • General - used for general communication with the RBA relating to the audit

If you have any issues accessing the Audit Discussion tab, please contact our help desk for help. Our team is always ready to support you in any way we can.


8. Submit Final Draft

How to Submit The Final Draft

After the Initial draft has been submitted to the AQM they will perform reviews of the document and continually provide feedback through the Discussion tab (ex. Sanitation Review, Full QC Feedback)

As these reviews are completed and the comments are entered in the discussion a notification will go out alerting the Auditor that there has been an update to the Audit that requires their attention:

When the Auditor logs on to the RBA Online system, they will also see an item in their To Do list for this Audit

Simply click the Audit ID and you will be brought to the discussion tab to review the information:

After the Auditor has reviewed and adjusted the audit report, they can respond to the AQM via the Discussion tab by selecting the New Comment Button

Enter and submit the comment. This will notify the AQM that the Auditor has made changes to the report for another round of review.

Once the AQM Submits the Full QC Feedback and the Auditor Responds with a Feedback type of QC Response by Auditor, the Auditor will then see the Submit Final Draft Button Appear on the Report tab, and a corresponding To-Do on their dashboard:

After all feedback is incorporated, click the Submit Final Draft button:


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