How to Complete a Risk Readiness Assessment (RRA)

  • After a Site is created, the user will be able to complete and share an
    RRA with their Partners.
  • The Company Admin can select which Site RRAs to share with a given
  • Please see Creating and Managing Partnerships training deck for
    more details


  • The Company Admin can access their RRAs under the RRA menu and by selecting My RRAs

  • To create a new RRA, select the Initiate RRA option.

  • The user may choose to select the Requesting Company, if applicable. A Site must be selected for the RRA.
  • The new RRA entry will appear on the My RRAs page.

Select RRA Data to proceed with editing the RRA

  • The first tab will show a summary of the RRA details.

  • The Standards and Assurance tab allows the user to input all applicable certifications from independent, third party sources.
  • This step is optional; there is a “Click to skip” button available

  • Under the My Selected Standards and Assurance mini tab, the user can see a list of all currently selected standards for the site.

When the user are finished adding the standards, select

Complete Standard

  • To proceed to the RRA Assessment section, select the Assessment tab.
  •  RRA General Evidence is an optional tab that allows for the file upload of any supporting documentation for the site.

  • Proceed to the Governance mini tab to begin the RRA.

  • At a minimum, a self assessment rating must be selected for all 32 issue areas across the Governance, Labor and Working Conditions, Environment, Community, and Business and Human Rights core categories.
  • There is a “Not Applicable” answer option for select issue areas
  • The user may submit comments and/or documentation for any given issue area.

After the RRA is 100% complete the user will see a button appear at the bottom of the form which allows the user to “Release” the submitted information to their Partners

  • Once the RRA has been released the user will no longer have the ability to edit the RRA. However, the user may view the RRA by returning to the RRA Data page or download the report by clicking Download Report link.