How to Sign the Contracts for Your VAP

1. Log into RBA online and click on the "To-Do" section located in the upper left corner of the platform. This will take you to a page that displays your pending tasks. Locate the task titled "Auditee Acknowledge" and select "Claim."

2. This will direct you to a new page that provides details about the following:
  - Audit type
  - Audit category
  - Facility type
  - Audit scope

3. You will then have the opportunity to answer a series of Risk Elements with a yes or no response.

4. The page will display information about the requesting party, the request date, and a boolean field to approve or disapprove the Audit Acknowledgement task. Click "Submit," then confirm by selecting "Yes" to accept the task.

5. Next, navigate to "My Audits" to find the audit that needs to be completed.

6. Click on "Options" and then "Audit Data" to get started. Select the "Contracting" tab and choose to complete the contracting requirement either by e-signing or by signing the document manually.