How to Initiate SVAP on Forced Labor Assessment
Initiate SVAP-FL audit in RBA Online
An SVAP on Forced Labor (SVAP-FL) assessment may be initiated by a Member Customer, the RBA APM, or the auditee themselves.
Note: SVAP-FL assessment is exclusively for RBA members and RBA member's supply chain only; each assessment request has to be either supported or / and sponsored by RBA member. The assessment requestor must appear in the Attachment B and be selected as the primary assessment requester in Tab 3 below. Please contact APM ( for more information.
Prior to initiating a SVAP-FL assessment, your facility must complete the SVAP-FL SAQ / Prep Tool!
A valid SVAP-FL Prep Tool/SAQ meets the following criteria:
- Is the most current version.
- Has been completed to 100% and Released within the system.
To initiate SVAP-FL assessment request against your own facility, go to “My Audits” page under the Audit Tab:
You will be brought to the following screen that will hold a list of all previous audits that you have completed:
From here, select/click the “Initiate Audit” button on the top left. This will open a window for you to enter the information that related to the assessment. To successfully initiate the assessment, you have to complete all the required information for all 5 tabs as illustrated below.
Tab 1: General Audit Information
Select the facility name where you would like the assessment conducted and complete all of the required fields.
Audit Category: Forced Labor SVAP
Audit Type:
- Initial Assessment (this is biannual assessment, valid for 2 years from end date OR as at when required by RBA member)
- Closure Assessment (this is used to Close out any Additional Non-conformances)
- Priority Closure Assessment (this is required in order to close out any Priority Non-conformances)
Select / Click “NEXT” to go to the next step.
Tab 2: Scope
Business Type: Recruitment Agency, Labor Agent or Employment Site.
Audit Scope: SVAP-FL or SVAP-FL + VAP
Select / Click “NEXT” to go to the next step when you have finished entering all required information .
Tab 3: Customer Information
Choose the Customer that is the primary requester for the assessment and add any additional customer that should get automated alerts related to the assessment, then select/click “NEXT” to go to next step.
Tab 4: Payment Information
Identify who will be paying for the assessment and ensure point of contact information is accurate. Select / Click “NEXT” to go to next page.
Tab 5: Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
Choose who will be responsible for reviewing and approving the corrective action plan (CAP) for any non-conformance uncovered during the assessment.
Select/Click “INITIATE” once all required information is duly filled.
If your assessment request is successful, you will receive a notification. Hit ‘OK’ to complete the task.
Next, you can proceed to sign the Auditee Agreement and Attachment B. Go to “My Audits” page under the Audit Tab. Go to Option > Audit Data > Contracting. For more information, you can search ‘How to sign AA and Attachment B’ here in the RBA-Online knowledge base.