Creating & Managing Trading Relationships


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All registered companies in RBA-Online have full control over their data. The data is only visible to other companies to which permission has been explicitly granted.

There are three levels of data protection that each company can set up for their data: 
1) Company Level 
2) Individual Facility Level 
3) Audit-by-audit Level Permission

As a Company Administrator, you have the ability to manage your supply chain and add and manage your trading relationships. 

Note: A Trading Relationship can only be established if:

  • Both parties have an active RBA online subscription. If your subscription has expired, refer to this guidance article to renew it.
  • One of the partners is an RBA Member. You can find the list of RBA Members here. If your company or trading partner is not listed on that page, you may want to join the RBA Membership program to access additional member benefit tools.
Note*: Non-RBA Members can establish a trading relationship with other Non-RBA members when they subscribe to the “RBA-Online Subscription Unlimited” package currently worth $15,000. This subscription package allows non-RBA Members the possibility to enroll in an unlimited number of facilities and suppliers to RBA online.
  • The user initiating the trading relationship in RBA Online must have 'Company Admin Rights'. The company POC can update user rights by following the user administration guide or sending a note to the RBA Help Desk. When contacting the RBA Help Desk, copy the company POC; we will require explicit approval before proceeding.

Select the Supply Chain tab to add a trading relationship, then choose Trading Relationship.


View if you do not have any existing Trading Relationships:

View if you do have existing Trading Relationships:

Select [Initiate Trading Relationship] to begin.

Next, select your Target Company from the drop-down list:

Target Company: The specific company that is the focus of the Trading Relationship, or audit. 

Target Company Is My: This phrase typically refers to the role or relationship the user has with the target company, such as "Target Company is my customer, supplier, partner, etc."

Relationship Start Date: The date when the formal business relationship or partnership with the target company began. This marks the commencement of interactions, agreements, or contracts between the parties involved.

Major Supplier (Y/N): Indicates whether the supplier is considered a major supplier for the company. A major supplier typically has a significant impact on the company’s operations or supply chain. 

Supplier Type (Direct/Indirect): This category categorizes suppliers based on the nature of their supply. A direct supplier provides goods or services that are directly used in the company’s production process, while an indirect supplier provides goods or services that support the company’s operations but are not directly involved in production.

Tier (1-9): Refers to the level of the supplier within the supply chain hierarchy. Tier 1 suppliers provide goods or services directly to the company, while higher tiers (e.g., Tier 2, Tier 3, etc.) supply to the company's suppliers. The tier number indicates the degree of separation from the company.

Describe the relationship you want to establish with this company - Customer or Supplier. 

Note: Supplier option is only available for member companies)


If you choose Customer, you will need to set visibility settings for your corporate and facility-level data. Visibility settings determine the level of information you would like to share with your customers.


This option allows RBA Members to identify major suppliers, indirect vs. direct suppliers, and tier level of the supplier.

Please note the Relationship start date will default to todays date, this can be modified.

Enter any Reference information that you would like to have for this relationship, and click [Submit]

You will now see that this trading relationship has been initiated.

The recipient of the Trading Relationship request will receive an email notification alerting them that the request has been initiated. 

Upon logging into the system the recipient will receive a notice in their To-Do's that there is appending Trading Relationship Request from your company.

Upon Navigating to their Trading Relationship screen (Supply Chain > Trading Relationships) they will see the details of this request and will have the following options:

  • View (This will open a read only record of the Trading Relationship Request)
  • Edit (This will open an editable record for some information of the Trading Relationship Request)
  • Accept (The status changes from Initiated to Accepted and the Requestor will receive an email notification that the request was accepted)

Note: Once a Relationship has been accepted the user will also have the option at any time to Revoke the relationship.

  • Reject (This will require the user to enter a Reason that they are rejecting the Trading Relationship Request and the requestor will receive an email notification that the request was rejected)
  • Delete (This will Delete will delete the request from the Trading Relationship view